Reported Bugs

Report options - including data connection to Power BI

The Nav ppt report has no modification options! I would love a way to connect the Change Nav data to Power BI so I can build my own reports based on the needs of the project. I can do this manually by downloading the stakeholder, impacts, and activities excels but would love a more efficient method.

  • Elizabeth Daniel
  • Jul 15 2021
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    November 15, 2021 14:53

    Would like to have the ability to connect Change Nav to PowerBI to accomplish the following:

    We need to have a view of all the impacts per stakeholder groups and their perception. It would be like a second page in the pptx deck for each stakeholder with their impacts.

    Right now we only have the assessment, but don't have any impact reporting. We would also like to have also the ability to socialize the interviews that are taking place.